
high voltage side中文什么意思

发音:   用"high voltage side"造句
  • 高压侧
  • high:    adj. 1.高的〔指物,形容人的身高用 tall〕;高 ...
  • voltage:    n. 【电学】电压,电压量,伏特数。 the worki ...
  • side:    n. 1.(左右上下等的)边,侧面;(事物内外等的)面, ...
  • high voltage side terminal:    高压侧端子
  • high voltage:    高电压高压; 高电压高虬压高压; 高压、强电; 高压电; 高压重犯; 有电危险
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  1. Owner responsible for connecting main incoming cables to high voltage side of transformer
  2. Mode , e . g . , it can be used for high voltage side , medium voltage side , or low voltage side , the corresponding protection function can be selected by different control word
  3. The three - phase distribution flow method on combining the back / forward sweep algorithm and circuit calculation is studied . as a result , the transform model from the apparent power of low voltage side to the current of high voltage side is built
  4. It is often that windings turn to turn short - circuit in all windings fault . nowadays , it is be inclined to occur turn to turn short - circuit for transformer windings because of power transformer windings introduced tangle windings . although inner short circuit current is very great , but external high voltage side current is not great after turn to turn short - circuit
    统计资料表明:在变压器各类故障中,绕组发生故障的机会最大,约占整个故障的60 - 70 ,在绕组各类故障中,最常见的就是绕组匝间短路(包括绕组层间短路、股间短路等等) ,从广义上讲,绕组故障都可以归结于匝间短路。
  5. This system based on optical effects is greatly superior to the traditional electromagnetic pt , ct in the following aspects : electric insulation of the low voltage side from the high voltage side through optic fiber , no electrical connection and electromagnetic interference in signal transmission , avoidance of magnetic saturation , small in volume and light in weight . it has a prospective future in the electric power system
    基于光学原理的光纤电流、电压传感器较传统的电磁式pt 、 ct具有明显的优势:高、低压侧通过光纤隔离使得信号传输既无电气连接又无电磁干扰,绝缘能力强且无磁饱和问题,体积小重量轻,在电力系统有较好的应用前景。



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